Thursday, March 30, 2017

Weekly Checkup

What am I working on?
I've been working on my narrative based on my Master Plots chapter. I am also working on a poem for the next experiment. I had an idea for a Villanelle, but was struggling for rhymes with "mama" so I might have to rethink things.

How do I feel about the process?
I've actually been getting a good amount of writing done in my car before my classes. I usually get to campus 15 to 20 minutes before class and I've been able to get three pages done in that down time so far this week.

What am I reading now?
I've been reading the short story "The Swimmer" by John Cheever for my other English class and 20 Master Plots.

1 comment:

  1. mama.... Trauma... Drama.... llama.... obama? That's about all I got! :)
